Fortigate Static NAT configuration

Before we can access the NAT IP Address, we have to create a Virtual IP using the following steps:

Go to Firewall Objects > Virtual IP > Virtual IP.
Select Create New.
Complete the following and select OK.
Name : Web_Server_NAT (can be filled with any names)
External Interface : wan1
Type : Static NAT
External IP Address/Range: x.x.x.x
Mapped IP Address/Range: x.x.x.x
No Port Forwarding Selected

After finishing creating the Virtual IP then Create the Policy using the following steps:

Go to Policy> Policy > Policy and select Create New
Complete the following and select OK.
Here is the form:
Source Interface/Zone: wan1
Source Address: All
Destination Interface/Zone: Internal
Destination Address: Web_Server_NAT (select from the one we have created on above steps)
Schedule : always
Service : ANY
Action: ACCEPT
Select the NAT option
Select OK

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